Liber8's Garza is captured and gives Keira a way of tracking Travis, but she gets waylaid by free agents from the far future and Julian's followers.
This episode screams 'filler' and coming so soon after the excellent Seconds is all the poorer for it. Keira is only metres away from taking on Travis, but decides to take a look at an anti-corporate rally instead? Unlikely. Her supersuit gets powered down again and is proving to be far less useful than might have been imagined.
More annoyingly, the cops get hold of Garza and decide to leave her on her own so that she can pick the locks on her handcuffs. Really? Especially when they know how dangerous she is.
Then, just to top it all off, Alec's spying girlfriend's boss pulls off a move of spectacular stupidity, alerting Alec to his girlfriend's duplicity, unless he is as stupid as everyone else in this show seems to be.